Recreating the inspection processes of hydroelectric plants.

Made for:

Grupo Construserv




Designer de Produto

Designer Visual


Our goal was to bring efficiency and agility to the management of hydroelectric plants.

Non-disclosure agreement

Some information, such as photos and final screenshots, were not displayed in this project due to the contract signed between me and the company.


Hydroelectric power plants were facing significant challenges in environmental data monitoring. The manual data collection, carried out with clipboards and technical sheets on paper, was a slow, inefficient, and costly process, further complicated by the subsequent need for digitization and report generation.

There was also a problem specifically related to the use of paper: handwriting.

Technicians often use clipboards in inhospitable places, sometimes needing to write during measurements on the boat, with all the movement caused by the river.

Therefore, the understanding of what was written was often compromised, further delaying the data collection procedure.


The 'Inspections and Measurements' app was born, an innovation developed to digitize and transform the traditional data collection processes of the hydrology teams at Grupo Construserv. The application not only improved data collection and calculations, but also facilitated real-time sharing of collected data, raising operational efficiency to new levels.

My contribution:

I was deeply involved in every step of this project. I was responsible for conceiving the app’s name and visual identity and was pivotal in the research, user interface design, testing, and delivery. I deepened my involvement by accompanying teams in the field to intrinsically understand the challenges of the manual process and identify opportunities for digital optimization.

I implemented an iterative design process, starting with a basic version of the app to validate functionalities and receptiveness, followed by regular updates based on feedback and field observations. Each update was meticulously planned and executed in collaboration with the development team, ensuring harmony between intuitive design, robust functionality, and compliance with industry standards.

Project phases:

Research and Planning:

Track field teams to understand existing challenges;

Interview employees to gain insights and suggestions.


Creation of the name and visual identity;

Development of the user interface and integration with the existing web system.

Testing and Iteration:

Release of an initial version for validation and feedback;

Regular updates to improve functionality and usability.


Total implementation of the digitized application, marking the transformation from manual data collection process to an efficient technology-based system.

Final result:

The Inspeções e Medições are part of a broad and complex project. The application encompasses an ecosystem managed by the Global web system (another product with an interface also updated by me), which generates activities and sends them to the applications, receives all information about the activities and inspections carried out, processes the results, and produces reports that are sent to the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA).

After many challenges, it was possible to implement through the application:

Digitization of 7 different inspections with real-time communication.

Field technician activities schedule.

Accommodation search registered with the company.

Travel expense management for control of the inspection campaign cost center.

To provide better management in the development of products within the Grupo Construserv ecosystem, I created a Design System in Figma, providing more agility, quality, and consistency in projects.

It's alive!

*Note: This is a restricted use application and access requires Grupo Construserv access credentials.





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